Ramblers' Association Mid-Sussex Group (Inquiries 01273 833556)Saturday, June 30: Meet at 10.30am at Roosthole car park, Manning Heath '“ Springfield '“ Barnsnap '“ Colgate '“ Forest Road '“ Lily Beds '“ Sheepwash Ghyll '“ Roosthole car park. Leisurely paced circular ramble. No dogs. Pub lunch or picnic. 5½ miles.

Sunday, July 1: Meet at 10am at Kingston near Lewes, roadside parking in The Street. Walk up on the Downs around Castle Hill Nature Reserve. 6 miles.

Tuesday, July 3: Meet at 10am at Burford Bridge, Rykers car park '“ Box Hill '“ Juniper Top '“ Cherkley Wood '“ Leatherhead Downs '“ Bocketts Farm '“ Fetcham Downs '“ Westhumble '“ Burford Bridge. A couple of steep climbs. Picnic lunch. 10 miles.

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Ramblers' Association (Sussex area) Arun-Adur Group (Inquiries 01903 695865)

Saturday, June 30: Meet at 2pm at car park on A281 at Shermanbury just south of The Bull Inn, north of Henfield '“ Ewhurst Manor '“ The Hangers '“ Downs Link. Mostly flat, gentle pace. 5.5 miles.

Sunday, July 1: Meet at 10.30am at small car park in Barcombe Cross high street (limited spaces '“ suggest car share) '“ South Chailey '“ river. Fairly flat, gentle moderate pace. Dogs welcome. Picnic lunch. 9.5 '“ 10 miles.

The Ramblers' Association Crawley & North Sussex (Inquiries 01293 522715. The meeting point for rambles is Crawley Railway Station at the time shown below, unless otherwise stated.)

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Saturday, June 30: Meet at 9am. Cars to Tilgate Park car park by the golf course to walk to Crawley Greenway. Picnic lunch. 15 miles.