Federation of Small Businesses welcomes Budget

THE CHANCELLOR’S Budget and the measures announced in his speech have been welcomed by the organisation that represents small businesses in Horsham, Crawley and Mid Sussex.

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) welcomed the measures but said there was still a missing link after George Osborne presented his Budget to Parliament yesterday (Wednesday March 21).

Ann Swain, local branch chairman for the FSB, said: “We asked for a Budget with long-term measures to help to instil confidence, rather than a barrage of micro-measures that have a limited impact on the ground. We are pleased with some of the actions to cut the burden of red tape, help to get our young workers into employment, and measures to improve access to finance. Especially welcome are the proposals to simplify the tax system for the country’s smallest companies. However, petrol prices remain a major concern for small businesses and we would have liked some further action on reducing the level of fuel duty to help struggling small firms.

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“The key to nurturing the economy back to full health is by tackling the budget deficit and the FSB continues to support the Government’s debt reduction plan. The FSB welcomes the fiscally neutral budget and is pleased with the OBR’s positive revision to growth forecasts this year, along with forecasts for falling inflation.

“But, to ensure that busin