Bad road signage putting drivers in danger, warns watchdog

Overgrown trees and substandard road signs are putting motorists in danger, according to an independent transport watchdog.

Transport Focus says too many of the country’s road signs are damaged, confusing or out of date, leading to stress, wrong turns and dangerous last-minute manoeuvres among drivers.

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It has now launched a campaign encouraging road users to report problems with signage across the 4,300 miles of motorway and A roads managed by Highways England.

The Sort My Sign campaign features an online tool for motorists to report problems, including those that are obscured, damaged or don’t give accurate or useful information.

Transport Focus says it will then pass on the information to Highways England to sort individual problems and push for changes in policy.

Making journeys safer

Anthony Smith, chief executive of the independent watchdog Transport Focus, said: “We want to hear from road users about signs and information that aren’t up to scratch. We’ll use what you say to press Highways England to make journeys easier and safer.

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“There is nothing more frustrating than missing your turnoff because the sign was hidden behind a tree or missing crucial information.

“While we have some of the safest roads there are still too many signs which are broken, confusing or out of date. If it’s not clear, it’s not safe.”