Best foot forward for Bexhill ladies

Three friends from Bexhill are getting ready for the experience of a lifetime - they are going to trek alongside the Great Wall of China.

It's a challenge like no other and Ruth Trotman, Stella Grimshaw, and Victoria Coleman are training and fundraising in earnest to prepare for their amazing adventure in October.

The trio are doing it for themselves but also to raise much-needed funds for the Chestnut Tree children's hospice in Arundel, which they are backing because they wanted to choose a local charity, rather than a national one.

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They're not in it on their own however - each has support from close family and loved ones. Stella's husband Bob has been out with her every time she trains, while Ruth has backup in the solid form of her husband Sam - known in town as Soulman Sam - who has raised 90 percent of the 3,000 she needed to take part in the trek. Victoria meanwhile has all the encouragement and TLC anybody needs from her faithful Rottweiler Ruby, also there every inch of the way.

They will be walking and climbing steps uphill most of the way, and know they will need to trek for seven hours every day for the entire six days, stopping off at villages along the way.

The total distance they cover on foot will be 90 kilometres.

Ruth, of Chepbourne Road, commented: "It doesn't sound a lot but it is rough terrain and will be hilly and up steps. That's what we will be doing every day. it is going to be tough, it is going to be hardgoing - knowing you have to keep getting up and doing it again and again over that six days."

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It is a daunting propspect as Stella, of Newlands Avenue, agreed: "While training we have done a lot over East Hill. I am always really up for it when we start and then after a little while I think we have enough now...But you just have to keep going. I think the difficult thing is the unknown. We are all excited and looking forward to it but it is going into the unknown. It is something we have never done before."

The two meet up with Victoria, from Jameson Road, every week for training and as part of their preparation this year Victoria and Ruth ran the Hastings half-marathon while Stella will be soon off to Snowdonia.

"We try to get out two or three times a week, and we go up to East Hill once a week. But we are in September now so we will have to step it up.

"It will be an achievement for all of us - we are not active people normally."

Anyone who would like to donate to the cause can drop off a cheque or money at the Waterfront on the seafront, or call 07970730540 for more details.