Sussex Police Road Policing Department will deal very robustly with anyone caught driving whilst under the influence of alcohol.

That's the warning issued this morning in the build-up to the festive season.

A spokesman said:

'Be aware that some days you may be affected more by alcohol than others '“ you may have not eaten, have taken cold remedies or simply be more tired than usual.

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'Think about how much you have drunk the night before. Have you really got rid of all the alcohol in your system? Think before driving off in the morning '“ you can still be over the limit.

'Whatever influences there are, you need to be aware when you get behind the wheel of a car. Better still, don't drink at all. Do you really want to be responsible for the death of someone's loved one?'

Superintendent Paul Morrison of Sussex Police added: 'Mixing alcohol with driving is not a recipe for a festive Christmas. Stay away from the drink or stay away from the roads.'

The police went on to issue these warnings:

Drug driving

If you're driving and you've been taking drugs of any kind you will be caught and you will be dealt with.

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