Drivers reminded to stay alert for cyclists

Cycling tipsCycling tips
Cycling tips
With interest in cycling at a peak following the GB team's Rio Olympic success, Sussex drivers are being reminded to stay alert.

Tips on what to look out for in summer traffic have been provided by IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.

- Be aware of cyclists and scooters and remember to check your mirrors and blind spots before moving off and turning. Expect the unexpected.

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- Junctions are the most dangerous locations for cyclists. Drivers tend to see only the biggest vehicles and miss the smaller and unprotected cyclist.

- Pay attention to what’s going on around you. Even though you are looking for a chance to move off you should also be prepared to stop.

- Be patient. Driving aggressively and sounding your horn can cause confusion for cyclists and lead to accidents.

- Cyclists will always be slower than your car so keep a constant watch on your approach speed to avoid running into the back of a cyclist.