‘Lolz!’ - Thousands of new words added to Scrabble dictionary

I​t may​ seem ridic, but lotsa street slang and techie terms have been included in the latest official bible for players of the world’s favourite word game.

Devo, onesie and vape are among thousands of new entries that have been added to the official Scrabble word list.

Collins, which publishes the list of all words that can be used in the popular board game, has just added a further 6,500 to the existing line up of 250,000.

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Words used on social media, in texts and on the street are now available to fans of the traditional game.

Making their debut in the list are lolz (laughs) and bezzy (best friend), which are joined by tweep (person who uses Twitter) and tuneage (music).

Others reflect modern society, trends and events, such as devo (devolution, as in devo-max), vape (to puff an e-cigarette), onesie (all-in-one suit) and twerking (hip-gyrating dance).

The new word list also recognises the role technology plays in daily life with the inclusion of facetime, hashtag and sexting.

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