
Mountfield newsMountfield news
Mountfield news
VILLAGE PLANTING: We think we probably misled people when we appealed for anyone to join a 'working party' as what the Parish Council is looking for is a group who would be prepared to sit down and help design the idea, seek funding where necessary and drive it in practice. At this stage we are not looking for people to actually get down on their knees and get dirt under their fingernails '” though there will be plenty of opportunity for that later.

Just to recap, the idea is for a long-term planting scheme round the village. The most obvious example would be daffodils on certain roadside banks and verges but succession planting could also achieve, for example, drifts of snowdrops, giving way to primulas and anemones, then daffs and bluebells, with monbretia and hypericum to follow. Or some areas could be left or developed as wild areas like the banks round the Village Hall or the verge that Hayley looks after so well opposite the Old Bakery. Which is where the steering group come in. We have our first volunteers but would welcome more and, in particular, someone to head the group. Anyone with any ideas, or willing to help drive the scheme, please contact Steve Rickman Smith (880410) or Peter (see below) or one of the other councillors (see website). You don’t need to be an expert.

MOUNTFIELD BIG SCREEN SOCIAL NIGHTS: The next date is Saturday February 18th with the showing of Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie. Apart from Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley, the full cast list is ridiculous with performances from, amongst others, Jane Horrocks, June Whitfield, Cathy Burke, Celia Imrie, Dawn French (never heard of her). Not to mention star appearances by Lulu, Graham Norton, Lily Cole, Stella McCartney and Jeremy Paxman. “A broad, silly, likeable, daft Britcom” (Guardian). “Thoroughly OTT but then that’s like the characters themselves” (Empire). Doors open 7.30. Usual pop-corn, chocolate and drinks available with a suggested donation of £5.00 to Village Hall funds.

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MOUNTFIELD CLUB: The turn out for this year’s Fred Stace Charity Darts Night was disappointingly low but those who did attend had a good evening with £100.00 being raised on the night for a very good cause, St Michael’s Hospice. The Darts Pairs was won by Kevin Gray & Debbie Brooks and the Shove tournament was won by Archie Pelling. The Club would like to thank everyone who helped on the night with the buffet and raffle. The Club’s snooker team seem unstoppable at the moment with their twelfth consecutive league win, this time 3-2 at home to Battle with captain, Steve Smith, winning the final frame to keep Mountfield 6 points clear at the top of the table.

WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE: Peter writes: All is apparently quiet with SW’s sewerage construction. The only bit of news is that after a succession of project managers who, as you might say, rather stayed in the background, SW have re-appointed Peter Simmons to the role. Peter was involved from the very earliest planning stages right through until within a few weeks of starting construction when he was inexplicably taken off the case. He never shirked a straight answer and we look forward to working with him again. Jim and I have a liaison meeting on the 23rd with SW and MGjv.

MORE WATER: We received details this week of another major utility construction scheme in Mountfield. South East Water will be replacing the water main between Barracks Cottages and the old lodge south of the weighbridge. The new main will run down the A21 itself before turning off into the lay-by opposite Vinehall School. This will replace the old main which mostly runs under the properties from the old pub southwards. Work is scheduled to start next month and to last up to six months. It doesn’t bear thinking about but, looking on the bright side, the Parish Council have already been in touch with SE Water and find them to be refreshingly open to deal with. They have contacted all the householders and businesses directly affected. If anyone requires further information, all our parish councillors have complete construction maps.

FINALLY: As ever, we can be contacted on 880614 (if no reply, just leave us your details on the answerphone) or via [email protected]. We always welcome contributions and feedback.

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