New town clerk takes over the reins at Battle council

A NEW clerk has taken the reins at Battle Town Council, following the departure of former clerk Peter Mills.

Julia Cuppini took over during the summer following Peter’s decision to retire after 13 years in the role.

Julia worked as a charted surveyor for a number of years before she decided to make the jump into politics.

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She joined the Country Land and Business Association (CLA), an organisation that represents and supports owners of land and businesses in rural communities.

Julia spent 15 years at the CLA, which provided the perfect grounding for her next job as the new Battle town clerk.

Julia said: “I have always been interested in the democratic process and I wanted to stay local.

“I think otherwise I would have been off into Europe and London.”

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Speaking about her new role, she said: “It’s exactly what I expected.

“I did a lot of research into this role before I applied.

“It was a big change to come out of an industry I was quite well set in, so I had to be sure I was doing the right thing.

“It’s very diverse. I found it a lot easier than it would have been because Peter gave me such a fantastic month’s handover.

“He had such experience and was such a thoroughly lovely person it meant that taking over this role is a bit easier than it would have been coming in cold.”

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