Time to consider joining a Rotary club to help

A group of Rotary collectors at this years Worthing carnivalA group of Rotary collectors at this years Worthing carnival
A group of Rotary collectors at this years Worthing carnival
As the days grow shorter, the temperatures dip and the pavements and gardens fill with fallen leaves, we prepare for the approaching winter months.

We order in our stocks of logs, dig out the winter coats, boots and fleeces. In the garden, the decaying abundance of the summer months has to be cut away and disposed of as we ready ourselves for the frosts and snows of winter.

Strangely enough, this is also the time when we look around for new interests, perhaps as a way of dispelling the gloom of long hours of darkness or distracting us from the discomforting cold, wet and windy weather. This is the time we think about taking a class, learning a language or taking on a new hobby or interest.

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