OUT IN THE FIELD: Politicians upstaged by baby Milo

My favourite picture of the night award goes to six-month-old Milo LambertMy favourite picture of the night award goes to six-month-old Milo Lambert
My favourite picture of the night award goes to six-month-old Milo Lambert
Well, that was an interesting old election wasn't it? Mrs May's pre-election confidence, poorly judged manifesto '“ particularly for people in Eastbourne '“ and half of the Eastbourne population voting tactically came back to bite her royally on the backside and as a consequence, Conservative Caroline Ansell lost her seat here in the town and Liberal Democrat Stephen Lloyd is back in. I was at the count at the Town Hall on Thursday night and Friday morning, waiting for the result to come through and as exciting as it was, watching the live results, much of the attention fell on gorgeous little Milo Lambert, the six-month-old baby son of the Labour Party's candidate Jake Lambert. Little Milo wasn't fazed by the lights, camera, action of the whole night and smiled sweetly at everyone, regardless of what colour rosettes they were wearing. In fact, little Milo's behaviour was certainly a lot better than some of the attendees at the count.

My Facebook buddy Steve Burbidge has been in touch to see if anyone knows of any ex-Armed Forces that are homeless and in need of work. Steve wants to offer employment and an option of accommodation to help them out. Call Eastbourne 414482 Monday to Thursday if you know of anyone who would be interested in this life changing opportunity.

I always like to think there are actually more nicer people in the world, than nasty and a heartwarming tale reached me this week. A very old acquaintance of mine – dating back to when I lived in Pevensey Road guest house land – Brian Bignell has recently returned from Normandy where he took part in the D-Day celebrations. Brian and his old comrades were taken there along with their carers in London cabs. Brian, who was recently awarded the Legion d’Honneur for the part he played during the conflict, said there were about 300 in the party. I hope they had a ball.

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My quest to find to find the perfect breakfast in Eastbourne’s eateries continues and last week I stumbled across two little gems – Esca, which is the Latin word for eat, in the former Sunflower Cafe premises in South Street, and Maxfield’s in Langney Road. Both serve freshly prepared home cooked food and are well worth visits. The Eggs Royale at Maxfield’s is as good as Roots at the bottom of Grove Road. The Smart English Breakfast at Esca Bistro comes with delicious homemade bread and smoky beans. Along with Cafe Continental in Seaside, they’re in my top five.

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