In 34 pictures: Stunning classic car on show in Hastings Old Town

An eye-catching line-up of classic cars and motorcycles took over the Stade Open Space in Hastings Old Town for two days at the weekend as Hastings Week got underway.

The event enjoyed sunny weather and attracted good crowds who turned out to admire the fine display of vehicles. People will be able to view vintage commercial vehicle at The Stade on Sunday October 15 when the annual Sprat and Winkle Run takes place. Hastings is the destination of a classic vehicle run from Sevenoaks each year. The event is expected to attract around 70 classic commercial vehicle and runs from 10am – 4pm.

Before that, on Saturday October 14, is the highlight of Hastings Week when the town holds its big bonfire celebrations. There will be a procession of flaming torches through the streets, a huge bonfire on the beach near Pelham Place and a spectacular firework display.

Pictures by Roberts Photographic.