
JUMBLE SALE in aid of the Village Hall takes place at the hall this Saturday (January 30). Please take jumble donations to the hall from 9am and do go along at 2pm; with clothes at 20p each there are sure to be lots of bargains. Along with jumble there will be a tombola, refreshments, good as new items, bric-a-brac, books, toys, clothes and linen.

FOOTPATH SOCIETY WALK this Sunday (January 31) and all are welcome to join them; just meet at the Car Park (Map Ref: 356 064) off Falmer Road, Woodingdean at 10am for a 6 mile walk. Walk Leaders are Sue and Robin Akers on 01273 891701or 077542336.

WADDESDON MANOR is the subject of lecture at the Newick & District Decorative and Fine Art Society meeting on Tuesday February 9 at 2.15pm. The lecturer is William Forrester an art historian who lectures in the London Galleries as well as giving TV and radio talks. In 1874 Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild bought a lovely tract of land in the vale of Aylesbury and wanted a country estate but not on traditional English lines, as he wanted a French Chateau. He employed a French architect, Gabrial-Hippolyte Destailleur to do just that. The house parties at Waddesdon were famous and guests included Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales. Guests enjoyed all the modern comforts of running water, central heating and electricity still very new inventions in those days. Visitors are most welcome and the cost is £7 on the door and as always there will be a chance to talk to the speaker. If you require any further information please ring Marjorie Blunden on 01825 723250.

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