Rocks reflections: The buzz is coming back to Bognor

Some young players have injected new life into the Rocks team / Picture by Tommy McMillanSome young players have injected new life into the Rocks team / Picture by Tommy McMillan
Some young players have injected new life into the Rocks team / Picture by Tommy McMillan
So it's three games in and seven points in the bag '“ unbeaten and maximum gain from the home fixtures. That is all that can be asked for from any side in any league, regardless of the level you are at.

In terms of the recruitment it’s pretty much the same story as it always has been at Bognor, with most being done quite late on, but I believe that so far it looks like business well done.

I feel that in Dan Smith and Bradley Lethbridge we have two players that would have ensured our safety had they been with us in the National South last season.

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Smith and Lethbridge have contributed five of our eight goals already and look a threat all game, giving us the much-needed goal menace we were screaming out for last year.

We look solid at the back with Keaton Wood and Chad Field looking strong and assured. It is a pairing we didn’t get to see last year because of injury and considering we have Corey Heath back in the squad too, we look very resolute at the back just a few games in.

Harvey Whyte wrote in a recent column how much he’s enjoying the captaincy and I feel it I suiting him perfectly. By all accounts, he’s a real asset in the dressing room and on the pitch there have been times where you’ve seen him really take the game by the scruff of the neck and fire up the lads.

The Merstham game was a prime example where we were played off the park for the first 20 minutes until a few full-blooded challenges by Whyte rallied the troops and we settled into the game.

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I have always been excited by the season ahead. I feel we have learnt a lot from the experiences of last season and, dare I say, I feel our squad this season looks stronger than the one we had last season.

That can only be positive for the Rocks. In Robbie Blake we have an ideal replacement for Darin Killpartrick and I can’t wait to see how his Premier League experience rubs off on the players.