One in 10 West Sussex pupils off school before Easter

Parents walk their children to school in Hornchurch, Essex, past stationary vehicles near to the school grounds. PA Photo. Picture date: Friday January 17, 2020. Photo credit should read: Nick Ansell/PA WireParents walk their children to school in Hornchurch, Essex, past stationary vehicles near to the school grounds. PA Photo. Picture date: Friday January 17, 2020. Photo credit should read: Nick Ansell/PA Wire
Parents walk their children to school in Hornchurch, Essex, past stationary vehicles near to the school grounds. PA Photo. Picture date: Friday January 17, 2020. Photo credit should read: Nick Ansell/PA Wire
One in 10 pupils were absent from schools in West Sussex before the Easter holidays, new figures show.

One in 10 pupils were absent from schools in West Sussex before the Easter holidays, new figures show.

The Association of School and College Leaders said it is concerned by high absence rates across England and urged the Government to increase investment in services for disadvantaged children most at risk of missing school.

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Department for Education figures show that at least 4,618.14 pupils were absent from state-funded schools in West Sussex in the last week of March, just before the Easter holidays.

That equated to 9.4% of pupils from schools which responded to the survey that week – down from 10.3% in the week to February 10, before half term.

Nationally, 11.4% of pupils were absent before the Easter holidays, up from 9.7% in February.

Pupils can be listed as absent for any reason, including general sickness, contracting Covid-19, isolating as a positive contact, and any other disciplinary issue or unexpected absence.

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The latest figures do not specify what proportion of pupils were absent due to Covid-19.

In West Sussex secondary schools, 11.3% of pupils were absent, more than the 6.9% in primary schools.

A further 17.3% of pupils did not attend special schools in the area.

The National Association of Head Teachers has criticised the Government's approach to handling Covid-19 in schools, arguing it is attempting to "pretend the pandemic is over".

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